Congratulations to Garnet Fay and all the other activists for their success in pushing the legislation, and finally obtaining the signature of Governor Quinn, to abolish the death penalty in Illinois, hopefully for all time. The news media describe the "weeks of agony and deliberation" by the Governor before he signed the legislation, but we know that nothing comes as a gift from the government. The signature was the result of relentless pressure for a long period of time by concerned groups upon the legislators and the governor. Rights and liberties have to be won by the hard action of the people. This is true also of this legislation which shares many aspects with civil rights struggles because of the disproportion of poor, minority and mentally handicapped people who were executed or are on death row. No rich went to the death chamber. Next stop = education as a constitutional right, waddya say? "If you have come to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
Australian Aboriginal Activist, Lila Watson David James
Australian Aboriginal Activist, Lila Watson David James